An ordinary person may consider meditation as a worship or prayer. But it is not so. Meditation means awareness. Whatever you do with awareness is meditation. "Watching your breath" is meditation; listening to the birds is meditation. As long as these activities are free from any other distraction to the mind, it is effective meditation.

Meditation is not a technique but a way of life. Meditation means 'a cessation of the thought process' . It describes a state of consciousness, when the mind is free of scattered thoughts and various patterns . The observer (one who is doing meditation) realizes that all the activity of the mind is reduced to one.There are a variety of benefits that have been linked with the regular practice of meditation. Meditation can bring about healing of both the body and the mind by using deliberation of thought and consideration. There are various physical benefits that can be experienced when meditation is made to be a part of daily life. Some physical benefits of meditation include a decrease in blood pressure and an improvement in breathing due to the increase of air flow that gets to the lungs. Those who use meditation regularly also find that their resting heart rate is lower as well, which takes some of the stress off the heart. Chemicals in the body that are associated with stress are lower as well, which leads to less anxiety. Meditation also promotes youthful skin and a youthful appearance.Meditation is a practice that brings about not only physical benefits, but psychological benefits as well. Bringing oneself to a state of rumination through meditation has amazing effects on the psych of a person. Relaxation and a decrease in stress are rather obvious benefits, but many people do not realize that meditation can also improve moods and memory and decrease moodiness and depression.Following are the steps for meditation with music:
Choose a good piece of meditation music or meditative, inspirational, instrumental music. Why instrumental music? Because instrumental music stimulates your right brain’s activity (the intuitive side of your brain). Music with lyrics involves your left brain’s activity (the rational side of your brain), because linguistically spoken words makes you think.
Set up the music before you begin your meditation. Load your CD player or cue your MP3 player to the playlist or album you've selected. Adjust the volume to your liking or secure headphones in your ears. Have the music start first so you can begin your meditation without interruption.
Sit or lie down in a comfortable position. A traditional meditation position is sitting on the floor or on a pillow with your legs folded and your hands resting palms up on your knees. You can also lie down flat on the floor or even on the bed if this is more comfortable or easier for you.
Breathe deeply. The basis of meditation is deep breathing and focusing on the breath, and this can be incorporated into meditating with music. As you breathe, allow your mind to flow with the music. You can breathe along with the tempo or flow of the music, or just get lost in the soothing sounds of instruments or voices. Meditation music is designed specifically to relax and rejuvenate your body and mind, and helps you to deepen your relaxation due to its melodic or soothing sound.
Allow the sound of the music to become the one thing that you are tuned into. You may experience tingling or goose-bumps--these can be indications of deep relaxation. As the music plays, notice that your mind is truly focused on only the sound of the music and any fleeting thoughts disappear as you follow the music. When the music ends or your set time is up, allow yourself to breathe for a few moments and re-acclimate yourself to the present.Below are some good music for meditation and relaxation. For best effect use headphone of mp3 player or phone or other music playing device.
Nature sound for meditation and relaxation
Rain sound